The Lake & Friends

I can't get over how behind I am with my posts. I'm not even sure if I consider myself a "blogger" anymore. When people ask what we did this summer, we're constantly responding with "the lake." My parents recently finished their lake house and it is way too much of …

Why does God allow bad things to happen?

It's been awhile since I have done a Mormon Monday! I have a few questions in my inbox I am planning on answering, one by one. This week, the question is from a reader who wishes to remain anonymous. 
Q: I am not a very religious person but when I see religious people like you who are so happy…

The underdog

If I remember right, I believe I've shared this video on my blog before. When something speaks to be so strongly, I have to share it. Over and over. There are times when the video can mean something completely different to me than it did six months ago. For some strange reason, this video resu…
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