best hubb award

i am seriously so blessed.

i can be the most selfish negative little booger sometimes.
and afterward, my husband just looks at me, smiles, and says,
"it's okay! i just want you to be happy."

a few days before that,
i was having the worst day ever.
my boss was kinda rude to me,
my paycheck was depressing,
and it was just a cruddy day.

i didn't mention anything to my husband.

i get home,
lay in bed and kinda have a pity party for myself...

husband walks in
with a dozen roses.
and gives me the biggest hug.

it's like we both know when each other are down
because we can feel it.

i love him.
&& am so incredibly blessed to have such a fabulous man in my life.

some aren't as lucky as me.
and i definitely acknowledge how lucky i actually am.
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