21-day challenge

i've been thinking about this little challenge i made 
& decided to share it with the world. because it is a fabulous idea.
start whenever you want..it's never too late.

it takes 21 {consistent} days to make a habit.
so for 21 days, i decided to focus in a little more on improvements i want to make.
i am going to work on just one for 21 days & move onto the next.
making it 6 months..to alter my life a little.
i honestly think this could change my life for the better.
each are little things that add up to big things.

 don't complain.
i think most of us do this much more than we realize.
if you watch yourself, for one day, you will definitely get a wake-up call.
from "i'm sooo tired" to "man. there's so much laundry to do." 
it's complaining. and it's not helping anything. just worsening your attitude.
for 21 days, don't complain once.

be friendly to all those around you.
wake up every morning, compliment yourself in the mirror.
compliment those in your classes, your workplace, your spouse, your family & friends.
make somebody's day.
compliment at least three people a day, for 21 days.

volunteer & serve others.
we can't all volunteer at an organization every single day.
what i am challenging myself is to serve my spouse & my family 
& volunteer at an organization once a week. 
for 21 days straight, serve others & volunteer often.

avoid procrastination.
make goals, commit, and follow through.
try doing the worst thing first. make a to-do list, and follow through.
for 21 days, get things done early, and don't procrastinate.

be accepting.
don't judge others if they did something immoral, unethical, or wrong.
take a stand in their shoes. love them through it. & don't give into bad judgment.
love those around you, even if you may not agree with their actions.
for 21 days, accept people, situations & outcomes.

set a budget & follow it.
many hardships come from stressing over money.
if you set a budget, it allows you to become more aware 
& be able to fix those money spending quirks you've got.
for 21 days, set the budget, follow through, and observe.

negativity will get you nowhere.
don't like the situation you're in? change it.
can't change it? get through it. with faith. press on. turn off your negativity.
for 21 days, stick be an optimistic and stick to being positive.

go travel the world.
go do something you've never done before.
test your fears. overcome your fears.
meet new people. allow yourself to become more outgoing.
for 21 days, do something every day that scares you.

you can become a better person. each of us are flawed.
but we can get better. by developing good habits.
remember to: strive for progress, not perfection.
for 21 days, make a habit. stay true to that habit.

in a little less than six months, i'm looking forward to seeing
the person i have become & the person i am meant to be.

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