Sunday Saint Monday Ain't

My whole life, up until now, I have had something really bother me. As many of you know, I've grown up in a state where the majority of people are Latter-Day-Saints (Mormons). The thing that would really bother me is when people preached one thing and did another. Most of us call them "Sunday Mormons."  It happened far too often. I'll always remember a specific instance with a specific boy. His name was Chris. I went to a high school party. Chris was completely drunk and would not leave me alone about having sex with him. Of course, I said no, and went on my way. The next day, at my best friends farewell, I saw Chris. Blessing the sacrament. Now, for you individuals that aren't super familiar with the church, blessing the sacrament is something that worthy priesthood holders should be doing. Drinking and partying aren't something that worthy priesthood holders are advised to do. I instantly became bothered. I was upset because I couldn't get over the fact that Chris would act one way and the very next day, act a completely different way. I'll always remember my mom talking to me afterward about it. She gave me the talk about how it's not about him - it's about me. I need to focus on myself, not others, and work on how I am going to better myself. That helped. But I still thought it was ridiculous. Why couldn't people just be who they are and not be so hypocritical about it? 

For the first time in my life, I have had a completely different perspective. Now, let me first say that I do not think this type of behavior is acceptable and I am also not justifying it. But recently, in my congregation, I felt like a sinner. And yes, I am a sinner! Aren't we all? I messed up. I made a silly mistake. I failed at being an example of a disciple of Jesus Christ during a period of time, I'm sure there were people pointing fingers at me as a "Sunday Mormon." The fact of the matter is, there are hypocrites everywhere, in every congregation, and in every religion. In every church, there are liars, criminals, and crooks. I've made so many mistakes; however, for the first time in that sacrament meeting, I felt like the crook. I felt like the hypocrite. I was also kicking myself for judging Chris in high school, and many other people. Because it is not our place.

Nobody knows what I had going on in my life at that place and time. The important part is that I am trying. I am working hard at becoming the person I want to be. And I am gaining a closer relationship with Heavenly Father. We all stumble and we all fall. So next time I think of the phrase "Sunday Sain't, Monday Ain't" or even think to call someone a "Sunday Mormon," I will stop myself and realize that there is always two sides to one story. 
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